Midwest Teams Assessed Penalties

After the events the took place in the pits at the Grundy County Speedway following the heat races on August 4th the following teams were penalized and given a monetary fine.

Vines Family Racing
Car - 101
Team Owner - Brandon Vines
Penalty - 10 point loss and $375 team fine

TC Smith Racing
Car - 15 & 54
Team Owner - TC Smith
Penalty - 10 point loss per car and $375 team fine
Team Member involved suspended for two races

Griffin Racing
Car - 88 & 93
Team owner - John Griffin
Penalty - 10 point loss per car and $375 team fine
Team Member involved suspended for two races

RCR Motorsports
Car - 10
Team Owner - Rob Baaske
Penalty - 10 point loss and $375 team fine

These teams were penalized according to the following rule in our official rule book.

Harassment of other racers and/or their crews, families etc. will not be tolerated.
This including yelling, and verbal confrontation. A fine of $375 will be assessed, to the team. The car/driver will also incur a 10 point penalty.

All fines to be paid prior to the next event. If fines are not paid within 30 days of infraction date membership will be terminated.

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